Project Overview

Make a chatting service that allows users to communicate. There will be an account system where users can sign in through a working login screen that verifies their username and password. Upon logging into their acount they will be able to play games, see their scores, and messages.

has games like typing test, connect 4, 3d game that store user data


Typing Test: a random set of words will be shown, and a timer starts when you start to type. Accuracy and time will be used to rank your performance.

Connect 4: This connect 4 will have the option for single player and multiplayer option against an ai.

3d game: A user controlled object will be able to move left, right, and jump. There will be obstacles moving forward on a loop. Every object avoided will give the user +1 point. If the user collides with a object, the game will store there score, and display a message: You lose, your score is __


login screen runs on php/mysql

make it run with flask

frontend: user interface, allows them to create/send informatuon to be stored

backend: allows user to log back into account, lets them see their game information