This trimester I have learned PSUEDO and coding basics like libraries, simulations, procedures, algorithms, data abstraction, lists strings, mathmatical expressions, and logic gates.I learned about using js and python. Next trimester I want to learn how to use aws and flask in backend.

Student Teaching:

Variables and Assingments: these are used to assingn values to be stored in code. Operations can be performed on these values and executed.

Data Abstraction: JSON is used to represent structured data, and we can convert strings to JSON and vice versa using the json module.

Data Abstraction: focusing on the key elements(values). Use lists, classes and dictionaries to store important data.

Mathmatical Expressions: can be perfomred using certain syntax, value comparisons can also be made

Strings: store text, can be concated, edited

De Morgan's Law: De Morgan’s Law can change statements from AND to OR by negating terms.

Boolean: trueor fasle, 1 or 0

Iteration: cycle through lists using loops to idetify certain values of interest.

Algorithms/Procedures: can be used to repeat a set of actions sets of code that perofm and action

Libraries: Libraries import files that contain large procedures to perform complicated tasks. Make code simpler and less repetative.
