Corrections and Notes:

Digital Divide: difference in access and skills using technology

Crowdsourcing: outsourcing tasks to a wide group of people for better data and more efficient working

Open source software: can be accessed and worked on by the public for very cheap or free

TCP and IP are used to establish a common standard for sending messages between devices on the Internet.

Https is secure using encryption

Creative Commons gives creators of digital content the ability to indicate how their works can be legally used and distributed, enabling broad access to digital information.

An office uses an application to assign work to its staff members. The application uses a binary sequence to represent each of 100 staff members. What is the minimum number of bits needed to assign a unique bit sequence to each staff member? 7 because 2^n must be greater than 100 and 7 makes that true.

67) A and B count is increased to 1 the first time "birch" is encountered in the list, count is reset to 0 when the code segment moves to the next list element. The last time "birch" is encountered in the list, count is again increased to 1, causing the procedure to return 1 instead of the intended result 2. Not d, spruce never appears

66) B and C Not a, segment stores the substring "lope" in animal. It then concatenates "lope" and "a", storing the result "lopea" in animal. Lastly, it concatenates the substring "jack" and "lopea", storing the result "jacklopea" in animal. C because string combines when contacted to correct word.

64) B and D y is initially negative, the loop condition count ≥ y is initially true, so the body of the loop is never executed and 0 is returned. D, y is also initially negative.

56) D because of extra constraint that take an extra minute for every check.

55) A because sarting the process by writing a height at the top of the card and writing a 2 at the bottom of the card, the algorithm will work such that the last person’s card will have the sum of the heights at the top and two times the number of people at the bottom. Dividing the top by the bottom will give half the average height instead of the average height.

23) D, expression would be equivalent to an algorithm that sets available to true whenever weekday is true and miles is at least 20. The algorithm in the flowchart requires both conditions to be true in order to set available to true.

11) A, (11111111, 11111111, 11110000) = (255, 255, 240)

4) C, Arithmetic operations are not considered undecidable. An undecidable problem is one in which no algorithm can be constructed that always leads to a correct yes-or-no answer.

Overflow error: when the output can not be represented in a value

X←Y: The value of Y is being assigned to X.

Citizen science: the collection and analysis of data relating to the natural world by members of the general public, typically as part of a collaborative project with professional scientists.

Incremental process: checking code through outputs at each step

PROCEDURE = function

Statements are capitalized(IF<, IN, FOR)

{} are used</p>

Redundant Routing: a failover strategy that ensures every call connects by rerouting traffic to alternate destinations if the primary one fails

Byte Pair encoding: a simple form of data compression algorithm in which the most common pair of consecutive bytes of data is replaced with a byte that does not occur in that data

Oval: start or end of algorithm

Diamond: a conditional statement

Rectangle: one or more processing steps

DISPLAY = print


Questions asking about functions were easy to solve when a sample value is used, or an answer is used to understand exactly what the function does. Binary values can mean many things like colors. Each power of 2 in a binary number is a bit. Binary search works by taking a sorted list and guessing values to find a value in a list faster. When large amounts of data are being processed even one excess function can increase the runtime dramatically.