Insertion Sort

  • time complexity is N^2
  • the unsorted element will be popped out and the list shifts one spot over to create a space for the object that must be sorted into the correct spot.
  • the sorted object is compared with the other elements of the list to determine the correct spot
  • student example: longest pool noodle

    Quick Sort

  • splits array into 2 sub arrays one less and greater
  • recursion happens until array is fully sorted
  • time complexity n*log(n)
  • student example: largest number

    Bubble Sort

  • best 0n worst 0 n^2
  • compares 2 elements and they swithc positions depending on value
  • starts by comparing 1,2 and then after full cycle starts again at 0
  • student example: which pickup line was the most liked

    Merge Sort

  • time complexity O^nlog(n)
  • list is split into paurs of two
  • groups of 2 are sorted, then groups of 4
  • the 2 halves are sorted and then put together and sorted
  • student example: organize the number of the flowers

    Selection Sort

  • minumum value selected and moved to the front of list
  • repeat process for the number of elements in a list
  • time complexity O^2
  • student example: what order were the people killed in


All the playes at the showcase were very entertaining especially the murder mystery one a the end. It was a fun way for me to understand the different types of searches that are used to develop code procedures. At Event Event